Ohm's Law
The natural place to go next in our journey in embedded programming is to delve into some theory. This week, we'll focus on hardware and show exactly how easy it all can be. As I firmly believe that if you understand the history as a story explaining how something came to be, you'll understand the why behind it. We'll start by talking about a late 18th century German Mathematician and Physicist named Georg Simon Ohm . Ohm was a high school teacher who was interested in experimenting with an at the time recently invented, by an Italian, Conte Volta , electric cell . Volta's cell is a battery, same as the AA, or AAA variety we use in common modern life. Volta's cell wasn't something one could buy from the local store, so Ohm created the tools he used to further his own research. The first thing Ohm noticed is the further you try to get electricity to flow through a wire, the less current you have. He also very early recognized that the thickness of t