Dragonboard 410c post install tasks
Now that we have the software all installed, let's actually get mythtv running by setting up our environment: First mythtv backend requires it's own user so let's add it: sudo useradd --system mythtv Now we need to tell mysql about time zones: mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u root -p mysql It is safe to ignore the warnings from not being able to load some zone info tabs. Mythbackend will create our database and upgrade the previous mythconverg db schema to the latest version so let's run it: mythbackend Note that it will auto shutdown and any further attempt to run it will end in an error saying no capture cards are defined in the database. Next it's time for some fun gui ease. Either connect a keyboard / mouse /monitor and run mythtv-setup from the command line or run it via a remote x screen by clever use of ssh (i.e. something like this: ssh -X linaro@ /usr/bin/mythtv-setup). Setup your backend for either your cap