Practical project: Magic Mirror - part 1
We're going to do something that is a little whimsical and timely given that it was recently Valentine's day. First let's discuss the motivation. Snow White had this evil relative that could call out to her magic mirror by saying "Magic Mirror on the wall" and then ask it any question. Well ya know what, we can build our own magic mirror that will respond to questions with answers, display a face, or just display some relevant information sans the evil relative bent on feeding poison apples. Ours will display everything from motivational statements to agenda for the day and news about commute; thus works quite well for a practical Internet Of Things (IOT) project. There's some really cool magic mirrors out there built with raspberry pis. The goal of those projects is to do something that displays a message of encouragement or displays an agenda. For our version, we're going to do a Magic Mirror that does something a little more advanced than just di